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tv   ABC7 News on KOFY 7PM  KOFY  December 15, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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nearly two and a half inches in mill valley and more on the way as scattered showers continue. >> marin county received heaviest rainfall and reservoirs there are spilling over. wayne freedman joins us live with the latest. wayne? >> the creek is the place everyone thinks about when they think about big water in marin county. flood stage is 13 feet they think if they're going to see big water this is the place to go, after 17 ivenlgs of rain, this is nothing. to see a dramatic example of how much rain has fallen, it requires a bit of a trek.
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still, that is not the impressive part. this is. you're looking at alpine dam. the lake is so full, water touches the shore line. these areas are now spilling over. >> this system is that one reservoir is closed over to another. >> as of this morning marin county storage is almost 131% of normal for this datehanks to a december christmas present in the form of rainfall. 17 inches for the month. the month is only half hour. it leads to a question, is the drought over, too? marin benefits from a rain
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system built to catch rain, not snow. the water spilled along storm drains and became a torrent by the time it reaches the falls. last year at this time they're just a trickle. now, the closest thing to n niagara falls. >> that is what you get after 17 inches of rain. from marin county, wayne freedman, abc7 news >> looking are looking better. a week of storms raised water levels by seven feet. the folsom reservoir is only 37% but that is better than last january, when it's just 17%. lakes orville and shasta have also risen. >> today's storm was not major
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but caused a share of problems. high water closed the intersection of highways 121 and 12, the patrol shut it down two hours ago the impact of the round of rain is visible in the north bay. a tree service cut the trunk. building inspectors will determine if the house will have to be red tagged. >> several communities are trying to recover from the rain we've received. we are in belmont with the story tonight. >> i want to show you something they're doing to help clear water. this is a big old truck. there is another there that is blocking the main entrance because crews had to build this
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tube, siphoning water into the city gutters. this is a temporary fix. crews spent the morning pumping water off the property. and have installed a bump. runoff should be going down this drain. instead it was backing up. a spokesperson tells me that i triering to determine whose responsibility it is. now, water has gone into the park. >> residents say they'll have to
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clean up in the dark. red dents are trying to recover this dumpster at rc park is filled with flood-soaked belongings. at lamar trailer park, residents were watching drains hoping they can handle the rain. >> it's a problem, just fills up and just fills up. and everything just fills up. >> carlos garcia was evacuated this weekend when the park flooded. officials were concerned the water was contaminated. he's still trying to dry out. >> an electrical line came out on a mobile home today a car crashed nie pair of power polls. sky 7 hd was over the scene, dropping live wires on the roof and stretch add cross two others
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one family was evacuated and left 1200 people without power. today's rain did not cause problems with storms in san francisco. some intersections got flooded, like this one. at the pan handle a pine tree fell on a bike path. crews removed that tree and shreded it. >> when there is rain, rocks will come down. and in this case it brought down rocks >> sandbags protected homes and businesses in the area. workers ignored the storm as they continued to repair damage
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from a flood two weeks ago. >> happening now in oakland, police violence protestors are on the streets again. laura? >> they're not on the streets they're on the side of the lake here. let's show you. we're just showing the last demonstrators move out as we speak here. you can see they're carrying candles and this is silent. we're on the pillars at grand and embarcadero. lots of praying and they then, they took off. >> right now, that means every
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generation, every race to honor our lost lives. >> it's about peace. >> absolutely. about peace. it's about love. >> the idea is for them to encircle the lake as much as possible. there are several hundred people here. it's a site most of them have candles. it's a night of peace according to the organizers. >> today, pro testers linked arms in oakland. some chained them selves to the front doors of the police head quarter. a demonstrator raised a flag with the faces of black men killed by police. police took their time, disconnecting them and placing
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them under arrest. another group were kept back. police say 25 people were arrested. >> michael brown senior attended a rally in san francisco this evening. brown's son was shot in ferguson, missouri the event organized by black student unions to provide open discussion about race issues in our society the uncle of oscar grant was also in attendance. media was not permitted to record sound, just pictures. >> now back to weather. winter storms are beginning to pay off tonight for the tahoe ski resort. storms delivered nine inches of
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snow. >> after the storms dropped up to two feet of snow, today's snowfall was nice and steady. you'll see what it looked like today. a frequent flurry here and there. then turned off the tap. so far, merchants were seeing enough snow. >> this is what we love. this is what is called white gold. just keeps snowing. they get fresh tracks you go back in, it's a new mountain. but not something you can't get
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over the pass. this is ideal. >> caltrans dropped chain requirements by mid afternoon the sunset, temperatures dropped and if you're headed this way, you'll need chains or 4-wheel drive. talking about an impressive snow pack over three feet. that is a weak before the start of winter and of course, in the third year of a drought. live on interstate 80, george warren, abc7 news. >> thank you, george. still ahead tonight here on abc7 news, san jose police officer who sent a threatening tweet to antipolice protestors. what he said that could cost him his job. >> earthquake, earthquake. >> and won't you want to know if an earthquake is about to hit? down payment on a california early warning system.
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>> don't send your loved one a gift broken into a dozen pieces. coming up, packing tips from the pro. tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand,
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or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people.
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>> tweets about the protests that gripped the bay area and country brought demands the police department fire the officer involved. vic lee joins us live from the
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police department tonight vic? >> there is criticism over officer white's controversial tweets. however, they're captured by many in the social media. and some controversial postings officer white made during the demonstrations so all of this has caused a fire storm of condemnation. the tweets were directed at protestors who had been demonstrating against the police shootings. the tweets read threaten me or my family and i will use my right to kill you. hash tag, cops lives matter. by the way if anyone feels they can't breathe, i'll be at the movies tonight off duty, carry i
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my gun. the reaction was quick. >> i think he needs to lose his job. >> reverend morris was with other leaders at the regular meeting. everyone here read the tweets. >> the theory is that he tweeted this to make other friends. >> the police officer association disavowed postings. >> disrespectful. offensive, inappropriate comments on social media have no place in the public discourse resolving the tragic loss of life. >> this morning someone filed a complaint with the san jose police auditor. that triggers a probe, looking into whether white tweets violated an order from posting
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anything that may affect the department. white may have violated the policy on conduct unbecoming an officer. >> the rule says officers are not to engage in that kind of conduct on duty or off duty. >> white is a 20 year veteran who taught gang prevention to kids and an assistant basketball coach. >> the police department today placed white on administrative leave saying in a treatment the tweets do not reflect thoughts or feelings of the men and women here. nor do we condone this behavior. >> starting out to be another wet week here. >> yes. we've got two more to go. >> most of it has. still remnants and rainfall now. here, showing you heavy remnants, we're going to stop it with heavy down pours and stormy
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activity let's start up in the north bay. several pockets of down pours right now. one intense storm cell off shore, moving the general direction. the beach expected to reach the beach in 18 minutes and a marine rning and the possibility of lightning. down south, and to the coast and sea we've got a long line of intense storms in mountain view. notice rain isn't very wide spread. here is a live view looking across the bay. you can see clouds over the bay at this point. in san francisco, we're going to see pockets around it. showers will continue into the early morning hours tomorrow,
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rain intensifies tomorrow afternoon. the second storm arrives forcefully. a weaker storm system arrives a passage of a cold front brought us stormier weather. another impulse is triggering weather. another big storm arrives into afternoon hours. risks are medium for wind damage from this storm. late night and overnight hours, pockets of rain and showers moving through. 5:00 in the morning beginning of the morning commute looks like activity will have tapered off a bit.
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there could with pooling or ponding and scattered showers. the second storm moves through the heart of the bay area. areas of rainfall and more soaking rain. tapers off to showers wednesday afternoon. by 3:00 projected rainfall totals up to two inches in north bay mountains, two and a half in santa cruz mountains. and high temperatures tomorrow, stormy conditions and breezy conditions will reach only into mid to upper 50s. and here is the accu-weather forecast. stormy weather, showers wednesday, perhaps lingering into thursday morning. and showers into saturday. >> thank you.
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>> well, you and the abc7 news team are sharing pictures and video from the storm on social media. if you want to show us weather where you live use hash tag storm watch so we can find your pictures and share >> up next, early warning system through california. >> how will it
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there is another natural disaster we have to prepare for talking about earthquakes. >> yes. >> abc7 is in the newsroom >> this morning, geologists believe lawmakers saw that and took note. august 24th and napa started to shake. homes and businesses sustained hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. what would have changed if everyone received this warning? >> earthquake, earthquake. >> the shake alert is stalled for three years.
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>> we have demonstrated the system works, that the technology is solid, and we need to build it out. >> hundreds of crews with the funding. >> no question napa earthquake did play a role. >> in an ideal situation, everyone along the west coast would receive a text message alert. usgs estimates the system would cost $32 comblinl to build. and if they had all of the money today, it would take about two years to roll out alert systems to the public. >> i hope we don't have to wait until the big one comes to find religion in terms of getting this done. >> senator feinstein echoed his sentiment in a statement that reads in part an early warning system is essential to save lives, reduce property damage
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and protect infrastructure we must get it done before the next earthquake strikes. the director of the now getting off the ground. >> lawmakers at the state level will decide to contribute to alert system as well. p the newsroom, abc7 news. >> thank you. >> there is more still to come here tonight here on abc7 news at 6:00. just ahead, dramatic stand up in sydney ends with a death of three people. and latest on the hostage situation in australia. >> and the next step in fighting climate change. governor brown comes to the bay area looking for innovative solutions
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a tense host yanl drama in sydney, australia is over after a man kept people hostage nearly 16 hours inside of a cafe, ended with a gunman and two hostages
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dead. >> you can probably hear loud explosions behind me. >> long hours ended, it ended quickly. winding flashes and fleeing. >> we've just seen another hostage. >> all officials moved into the lindt chocolate cafe for a man they say held 17 people throughout the day and into the night. >> they believed at that time if they didn't, they would have been more lives lost. >> sources say gunman was shot and killed, ending a standoff with a person no stranger to police officials say he had a long list of previous charges including sexual assault, being accessory in murder of his ex-wife and writing offensive letters to australian service member's families. you tube video shows he spoke out against the australian
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government video inside of the cafe showed hostages holding up a black flag saying in part mohammed is the prophet of god. and to talk about his call to speak to australia's prime minister. at 1 point, 5 hostages escaped around 3:00 a.m local time, police moved in. >> this was an isolated incident. >> they assure the man cannot again. >> a manhunt is under way in pennsylvania for a suspected gunman brad stone lives. neighbors were told to stay inside of his homes, neighbors believe he killed his ex-wife, her mother, grandmother, husband and child there are crime scenes set up in
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three cities. a man living next to stone's sister watched as armed police rushed into the home this morning. >> we heard the flash bang go off and saw smoke we went back inside. we saw the smoke coming up. it was crazy. >> stone was not inside, police recovered his phone and car so they can't track him. his children were found alive. stone was eight years in the marine corps, earning several medals but his family says he was discharged because of post traumatic stress disorder. a san francisco jury acquitted a man accused of burning a car behind a high rise luxury apartment building. firefighters encountered smoke when the mercedes-benz burned in june. police arrested a 48-year-old. the public defender claims.
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he served legal papers inside of the building that day. >> stanford has sanctioned is a fraternity over complaints of sexual harassment this year. they lost it's on campus housing privileges two years beginning with spring quarter of next year. the stanford daily reports the university will continue to recognize the greek organization. >> a california political leaders came to oakland today for a summit and new rules taking affect january 1st, some say biggest battle now is information versus misinformation. here is jonathan bloom. >> governor brown began by talking about the weather. >> it's raining today. >> flooding and drought are both among realities. water falls as snow could fall
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mainly as rain meaning it would pour into streets. >> just in the beginning there is still lots of skeptics. then, deniers want to just say no. it's not true, not happening. >> leaders battles appears to be about educating the public. >> we have make sure the movement has to speak spanish. >> teaching students they're leaders of the country. and we have got to get them educated. >> next month, legal pro visions are taking affect making gasoline subject to the same rules as smoke stack provisions >> kiefr divers were confused about how much more. >> oil companies are running a
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deceptive campaign says gas prices are going to go up $0.75. >> maybe there will be an increase at some point. not now due to ab 32. pennies, maybe. >> the pain of an increase might be easier to stomach. experts don't know how much gas will go up. we'll see in a few weeks. >> still to come here, the protests that took place at the bay area freeway today. >> should google be doing more to protect the internet?
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people who rifed in the homeless encampment known as the jungle are on the move again. officials cleared out the area some say they were only given five minutes to get out and they believe they should be able to stay. >> as long as we're out of
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sight, out of mind. we've been doing things different than the jungle. keeping noise out, the riffraff. >> city officials say they're using resources to get homeless into stable living environments and housed 150 people since original eviction. >> tonight, wall street failed to shake off it's worst week in more than three years, dow jones shot up 100 points, but fell, as the price of crude oil continued to tumble. the dow was nearly a hundred points lower by the end of the day. nasdaq off by 48. the bow over internet neutrality played out today. you can see the group some of following a bus on to highway 101, then forcing them to slow down. proestors say it symbolized what providers could do to customers by putting tolls on internet speeds. the group wants google to be a
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stronger voice for net neutrality and open internet. >> one of the biggest opera stars of her day died. irene dallas achieved fame in the 1950s, 60s and 70s when she retired from the me in new york she returned home and founded opera san jose. she just retired from that last year. she was 89 years old. a south bay restaurant that was damaged by the fire is now taking reservations the owner plans to open for new year's eve and tables are already booked through the first week of january. nice to see them back. >> yes. absolutely. coming up, important advice on the busiest shipping day of the year. >> how to get the package there and there in one piece, next.
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a driver of a fed-ex truck spilled dozens of packages on to the roadway. >> that is one i was waiting for. >> just ten days until christmas and hanukkah getting started tomorrow, chances are you're shipping something somewhere. >> post office is in full gear, will process 550 million cards, letters and packages a day. on its busiest day, it will handle 640 million shipments. now, those who sort and deliver are careful but there is a lot you need to do the last thing someone wants to do is open a gift that is broken. >> it's disheartening.
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>> the general manager of the moving company packs a lot of boxes so these words of caution from the postal service resonates with him. >> the reason for arriving damaged is because it's not packed well. or flimsy box was used. >> tip one, don't reuse packing boxes the fibers on the box breakdown each time. instead get a free, new box from the office, ups and federal express. protect anything fragile with bubble wrap the same for something like cookies. wrap with cellophane. >> they'll move around, and shuffle around and break. >> tip three. use a box within a box for added
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support. again, lots of packing materials around the item. then, put more packing material outside of the box, within the box. >> so three levels of protection. >> tip four, use plenty of packing tape. >> we like to use three here. and the reason why is because this is easy from another side to be pushed in. >> using more to close off gaps that might snag and cost to be ripped open. tip five, inquire about insurance. >> if you go with priority mail, that is one of our more speedy products. comes with insurance. you're good to go. >> this applies to clothing.
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one final piece of advice is put address of the recipient inside and outside on the box in case shipment is ripped open. >> that is a lot of good advice. >> yes. let's find out about weather. >> yes. pockets of stormy weather, and extensive areas of showers and a path of stormy weather from the coast across santa cruz mountains and south bay. we're not out of the woods yet in terms of potentially flooding rains and stormy conditions. well above 100% of normal,
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nearly 225% of the norm rainfall has fallen so far. at sfo, 250% in san jose. meanwhile, snow pack lies way behind. we're only a 41% state wide of the normal snow pack levels compared to 29%. high temperatures into mid to upper 50s and looks like active pattern that we'll get a break saturday and sunday. >> sounds good. thank you. >> tough day for our nfl teams. >> that is right. >> these are hard times for sure. the play sealed their fate in seattle, yesterday nfl said do you know what? oops. we've got it wrong. sorry.
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good evening, we've entered awkward lingering phase. the loss of the seahawks eliminated niners from playoff contention and started the countdown clock. another frustrating loss today. and a policy call and it's a huge play, niners would would have held to a possession. and then, hang on. and a ton of injuries and
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harbaugh insisting they're not just going to mail it in. >> we have lots to play for. plays next two games like our lives depend on it. and in a lot of ways i've never been prouder in our teams, for the guy that's fought, a lot of ways, never been prouder. >> you may have seen this shot on the side lines in seattle yesterday. wondering what he is doing up there? there is a reason for that visit. he joined mashon lynch at a charity event. the proceeds to the foundation and four rings montana family foundation and $325,000 was raised raiders learning to win. they beat the chiefs and then get crushed by the rams
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they upset 49ers then get clobbered yesterday. there is a zillion questions for silver and black starting with who is going to be their head coach and where they're going to play he likes the way the coach has guided this team. . >> i guess he can relate to us players he's motivating us. just reminds us that though the season hasn't gone the way we want it to go just to stay and remain positive. >> warriors 16 game winning streak will be tested tomorrow in memphis. he specially with andrew boget resting a sore knee. the chicago bulls posted a best record ever. along with michael jordan
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>> but he likes the team and says the season was years in the making. >> i'm a huge believer in internal growth the fact we kept our team together you can see the last couple years is what it takes this week. it's not just talent. it's growth and development. kings look like a real team so what do they do? fire head coach malone. kings are 11 and 13. reportedly had a rift with upper management and ownership. you know how that goes. despite 249, houston astros
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signed a deal $23 million. he returns to houston with 16 homers back in 2012. abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> you're at the wrong end of sports. >> thank you. >> join us tonight at 9:00 on coffee tv 20. lava flowing again. now, there is a new target. why officials are sending out an alert for people in the path. >> then, at 11:00 how a life of a teenager was saved. >> that is this edition of abc7 news our coverage continues on twitter on abc7 news bay area. >> we appreciate your time. we'll see you later tonight.
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